Weekly: The “Christmas Preparation” Box


Out of stock


Psst! Christmas is just around the corner.
Everything you need to enjoy an evening of planning what to do during Christmas is in this week’s box. Of course, you don’t actually need to carry out any of the plans you make; half the fun is dreaming up the crazy plans!

Here’s what is inside this week’s box:

– 1 x “Christmas” Mochi Doughnut (pb | gf) *NEW* *PREMIUM*
– 1 portion x Chestnut & Azuki warabi mochi (pb | gf)
– 1 x Kinako Ohagi (pb | gf)
– 1 x Hojicha mochi ball stick w/hojicha bean paste (pb | gf)
– 2 x Mini Yatsuhashi [Cinnamon, Genmaicha] (pb | gf)
– 1 x Genmaicha cornflake cluster (not pb | not gf)
– 1 x Mystery Matcha Snack (pb | gf)

pb: plant based | gf: gluten free
Allergens: Soya, Dairy (milk)

Order by 10PM on Saturday for delivery on Sunday, 10 December! We’ll be delivering the boxes between 12PM and 10PM no matter what the weather!
(Actual product may differ)